Okay, now exhale.
There's a version of you that handles an overflowing to-do list with grace...
who feels more patient with your kids & coworkers
who knows how to ask for & receive support
who connects more with your partner
& truly feels like the former, happier, YOU.
Let me re-introduce you to her.

where I guide you through emotions like overwhelm; how to calmly approach your to-do list & how to create a life where you feel pure happiness more often. These are 2-6 mins each day.

that'll dig beneath surface level so that you're able to release 'heavy' emotions, understand how you actually feel, & become comfortable with asking for what you want. Never again will you stare at a blank page with a blank mind.
You'll get daily journal writing prompts + my guided "flows" so that you don't get stuck mid-journal entry.

You'll feel confident with what to write, plus learn my approach so that you can continue to journal through anything & move through emotions quicker. You'll feel a difference on Day 1, and feel a full body shift after the complete experiment.
I'm Samantha.
I went from ignoring my feelings to finding my voice & speaking up.
I've 'journaled' affirmations for years, but my journal entry the night of December 19, 2020 was DIFFERENT.
I plopped onto my bed, opened up my journal, wrote "vent sesh" at the top...and word vomited ALL of the feelings that were swirling around inside of me. Tears were streaming down my face.
Amongst the overwhelm, anxiousness & sadness...something beautiful happened.
I was able to honor my emotions & release them. Since that night, I've used journaling to uncover all sorts of emotions, question my comfort zone, identify my needs & gain the courage to ask for what I want.
Journaling has completely shifted my world for the better, and I'm excited for it to shift yours, too.

"I no longer accept my anxiety as my 'truth'. You've taught me to question it & how to process it. It feels like a RELIEF!
- Jordan W.

"Our 1 call was so helpful already! It feels good to shed some light on the things that have "haunted" me for so long internally."
- Kristi J.

"I'm already looking at situations in my life differently and finding the why behind the things that trigger an emotional response when they really shouldn't."
- Brittany G.
Calm the chaos.
By processing your emotions & giving them a place to live outside of your brain so that you can feel more at peace, supported & happier.
Valued at $79, currently only $33.33
Start to Create Your Calm