The Breakthrough Blueprint

Turn your basic journal entries into juicy breakthroughs

The Breakthrough Blueprint walks you through, step-by-step, how to journal through REAL emotions & circumstances so that you’re actually learning & evolving vs. just writing gratitude lists or venting.

You’ll be the catalyst to your own change.

What you'll get:

  • My exact formula that I use to prompt myself through journal entries so that you get to the root of your feelings and come out the other side with clarity & action.
  • Confidence that you'll never have a "dead end" journal entry where you feel nothing at the end, again.
  • A-ha moments & finally feeling like you’re getting something out of your journal entries AKA: JUICY BREAKTHROUGHS!

This IS for you if:

  • You currently journal but get nothing out of your entries
  • You stay stuck in an emotion for too long and it impacts your whole day or longer  
  • You feel inspired after writing affirmations/gratitude lists but easily go back to feeling overwhelmed when you go into work & life hits
  • You don't know how to use journaling as a mechanism for evolution (to get what you want)
  • You're on autopilot, your days are on repeat and you CRAVE feeling more creative, loved, playful & alive.

This is NOT for you if:

  • You have a journal process that helps you feel validated and clear on both what you want & how to get it
  • You already have breakthroughs, take action & see your relationships, career and internal feelings shifting

What People Are Saying:

The Breakthrough Blueprint [and Journal Prompt Archive] are amazing and so easy to use. I had a situation come up tonight, and I was feeling all the emotions sad, angry, hurt, you name it, I was feeling it. So, I decided it was a good time to open the Blueprint and prompts and dig deep into the emotions I was feeling, and that's exactly what I did. I read the prompts and slowly began to allow myself to go deeper into my thoughts and emotions (which is usually hard for me). I feel like with the help of these tools, I was able to process my feelings, validate my emotions and move forward without being stuck in situation and continuing to overthink it for days or push it to the side to "deal with it later.." which is how I used to deal with hard situations. I have printed this blueprint out and will be keeping it right next to my journal for future situations, good or bad, as they arise.


I think that the blueprint is well explained and can help a person start to identify what they are feeling, and be able to dig deeper into what they are feeling and experiencing.


You've helped me with my health & wellness, but now here you are healing me from trauma that I didn't think was possible to heal from.

