Turn your basic journal entries into juicy breakthroughs.
The Breakthrough Blueprint walks you through, step-by-step, how to journal through REAL emotions & circumstances so that you’re actually learning & evolving vs. just writing gratitude lists or venting.
You’ll be the catalyst to your own change.
What you'll get:
- My exact formula that I use to prompt myself through journal entries so that you get to the root of your feelings and come out the other side with clarity & action.
- Confidence that you'll never have a "dead end" journal entry where you feel nothing at the end, again.
- A-ha moments & finally feeling like you’re getting something out of your journal entries. AKA: JUICY BREAKTHROUGHS!
This IS for you if:
- You currently journal but get nothing out of your entries
- You stay stuck in an emotion for too long and it impacts your whole day or longer
- You feel inspired after writing affirmations/gratitude lists but easily go back to feeling overwhelmed when you go into work & life hits
- You don't know how to use journaling as a mechanism for evolution (to get what you want)
- You're on autopilot, your days are on repeat and you CRAVE feeling more creative, loved, playful & alive.
This is NOT for you if:
- You have a journal process that helps you feel validated and clear on both what you want & how to get it
- You already have breakthroughs, take action & see your relationships, career and internal feelings shifting